In September 2016, Martini launched the MARTINI Smart Cube. This traditional, ice cube shaped device is added to your Martini & Tonic drink in addition to regular cubes. Using capacitive liquid sensors, the cube detect your drink’s liquid level and sense when it’s finished. The cube then alerts the bartender using Bluetooth® technology and an iPad, allowing him to prepare the drink in advance so you don’t have to wait. This technology can also be used to keep track of the number of drinks you’ve consumed to encourage responsible drinking.
The Smart Cube idea and technology was developed by the digital team at AMV BBDO from the insight that we are living in an increasingly time pressured world. Using technology, we can give people back their time and help them enjoy their moments with friends. I was the senior designer on the UX/UI of the iPad app used by the bartender.
The message has gone far and wide – the story has been picked up across multiple European markets – and demonstrates the huge potential for innovative products within the beverage industry. In particular it heralds the beginning of using technology to ensure responsible drinking within the alcohol beverage industry.