
Martini Smart cube

Martini Smart cube

This traditional ice cube-shaped device is added to a Martini & Tonic drink alongside regular cubes. Equipped with capacitive liquid sensors, the cube detects the drink's liquid level and alerts the bartender via Bluetooth® technology and an iPad when it is finished, allowing preparation in advance to reduce wait times. Additionally, this technology tracks the number of drinks consumed, promoting responsible drinking habits.

The Smart Cube concept and technology were developed by the digital team at AMV BBDO, driven by the insight into our increasingly time-pressured world. As the senior designer for the UX/UI of the iPad app used by bartenders, I collaborated closely with Martini to ensure the app maintained a clean look and feel, was user-friendly, and aligned with Martini's style guides.

Promo film

Below are example app screens & a link to an animatic of the App

Martini smart cube animatic